Espace pédagogique

Decarbonisation: what is it and why does it matter?

Decarbonisation, in the context of energy, refers to reducing the carbon emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by fossil fuels. It is an essential process if we are to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 in accordance with the targets set by the Paris Agreement and the National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC).

Industry has a crucial role to play in this collective effort. The decarbonisation of energy is a requirement for industry in particular, not only in answer to the environmental challenges, but also to improve competitiveness.

The levers for decarbonisation are varied and offer many opportunities for industry:

  1. Energy frugality: Reducing energy consumption through rational usage of equipment.

  2. Energy efficiency: Using better-performing equipment to reduce energy consumption.

  3. Low-carbon energy: Opting for alternatives such as biomethane or cogeneration systems.

  4. Carbon capture and recycling: Processes such as Power-to-Gas, which combine hydrogen and captured CO2 to create synthetic methane.

Teréga, a major actor in gas transport and storage, is actively involved in these solutions, launching and supporting projects to develop the use of renewable gases and carbon capture, such as HySoW, H2med and Pycasso.

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