Espace pédagogique

What is the Jupiter 1000 project?

Jupiter 1000 is the leading French Power to Gas industry demonstrator Launched in 2016 at the initiative of 7 partners including the ADEME (French environmental and energy management agency), the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, the European Union and Teréga, and led by GRTgaz, it has been operative since 2020.

The role of this industrial installation in Fos-sur-Mer is to transform renewable electricity, produced by the wind farms in Marseille Fos Port, into gas to be stored. Electricity is therefore converted into hydrogen by two electrolysers, then into synthetic methane by a methanisation reactor and a structure that captures CO2 from nearby industrial emissions. This carbon-neutral gas will then be injected into the gas transport grid.

Visit the dedicated site to find out more.

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