Espace pédagogique

What is the role of the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE)?

The CRE is an independent and impartial administrative authority tasked with regulating energy in France.

The Commission ensures the smooth running of the electricity and gas markets in France, to the benefit of end consumers and pursuant to the objectives of the energy policy. It therefore defines the revenue and tariffs of Teréga’s Transport & Storage activities based on French and European regulatory texts - the LTECV, the Energy code, the 3rd European network codes directive and the PPE (Long Term Energy Schedule) - as well as on ministerial-governmental authority directives - the Ministry for ecological and inclusive transition and the Directorate General for Energy and Climate. 

The revenue levels from each energy operator are determined through consultation to ensure a high level of security of supply whilst at the same time being part of a pragmatic energy transition.

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