Espace pédagogique

Teréga's editorial

The gas market, just like the rest of the energy industry, is experiencing major upheaval. To help you understand the different motivations, the forces at work and the challenges involved, we can offer you a few pointers to provide context and aspects to consider. Business activity themes, environmental challenges, opportunities for innovation, interviews with experts and more… Here you get a glimpse of what drives Teréga.


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      Eolienne et balise de transport de gaz
      25 janv. 2023

      Low-carbon hydrogen in France: an industry under construction

      There are many potentials for hydrogen. To take full advantage of this, a competitive low-carbon hydrogen industry needs to be developed. This is one of the objectives of the work carried out by the N...

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      balise jaune conduite de gaz
      23 déc. 2022

      Detecting and preventing undeclared work: Out in the field, working for everyone’s safety

      Although it is much less common than it used to be, undeclared work is still a risk to the gas infrastructure. Carried out without the network operators’ knowledge, it can involve unintentional collis...

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      15 déc. 2022

      Energy frugality: Teréga does its bit

      While France faces the winter without imported gas from Russia, the national energy frugality plan announced by the government in early October should prevent the economy being impacted by electricity...

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      Paysage des Pyrénnées
      12 oct. 2022

      REPower EU: Europe seeks to take control of its energy independence

      Rapidly reducing Europe’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels and accelerating the ecological transition: that is the ambition of the REPowerEU plan, launched in the Spring of 2022 by the European Comm...

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      Point de vue campagne Occitanie
      3 mai 2022

      Regulation is the keystone of the energy market

      Since energy is a need, associated with public service imperatives, and since it is transported by infrastructures in a monopoly position, energy regulation is a central issue. Discover who the player...

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      What are the advantages of NGV and BioNGV?
      8 avr. 2022

      What are the prospects for NGV and bioGNV in France in 2022?

      When it comes to transport, NGV and its bioGNV version provide an answer to environmental challenges that is affordable for users, enabling them to embark on the energy transition process gradually. H...

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      21 janv. 2022

      Work on the gas transport grid: technical and territorial considerations

      Quite apart from purely “technical” considerations, projects have to fit into the territories and their environment, with as positive an impact as possible. Projects such as the Capens Pamiers Renewal...

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      17 déc. 2021

      Gas market: How can the increase in gas prices in 2021 be explained?

      Nobody will be unaware that the price of gas, and of energy more generally is on the rise. The same is true for all of Europe. Although, in France, the government has announced a gas price freeze for ...

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      15 oct. 2021

      Teréga launches its employer brand: “Our plural energies”

      As business ramps up again after the summer, Teréga is unveiling its employer brand, with the aim of showcasing employees who, by developing and joining their skills, are helping accelerate the energy...

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      Site de stockage Lussagnet
      26 août 2021

      How can digital serve the needs of energy efficiency in industry?

      The industrial world now has to find a way of squaring the real environmental challenges (greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency etc.) with its economic imperatives. Digitisation is an essential ...

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      5 août 2021

      What are the prospects for biogas and biomethane in France in 2021?

      The French biomethane market is one of the most dynamic in Europe. Its continuing growth also needs to keep pace with the many changes taking place: the market situation, regulations, tariffs, actors,...

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      campagne - Millau bridge
      28 mai 2021

      The challenges of developing the hydrogen industry in Europe

      Hydrogen’s potential is now foremost in everyone’s minds: as a direct solution for the decarbonisation of industry and transport, a source of reindustrialisation and local job creation, a lever for en...

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