Espace pédagogique
A certified organisation with performance objectives

A certified organisation with performance objectives

In order to guarantee the quality of its services, Teréga is organised around an Integrated Management System that ensures the application of good practices in terms of safety, environment and quality at all levels of the company. SMILE, Teréga's Integrated, Lean and Scalable Management System, is ISO certified in the fields of: Quality, Environment, Energy, Health and Safety.

An organisation at the service of Teréga’s quality and performance

The implementation of the Integrated, Lean and Scalable Management System (SMILE), backed by ISO best practices, enables us to define new ways of operating internally, with external recognition through certification.

One of the keys to this approach is performance measurement. Using indicators, the Executive Committee can assess the alignment of results with Teréga’s strategic challenges.

This system enables us to maintain a high level of standards. In 2020, Teréga maintained and extended its ISO certifications on a management system integrated into all its activities, on four standards in their current versions in the fields: Quality, Environment, Energy, Health and Safety.

SMILE is Teréga’s commitment to a management that is...


Teréga is organised into several divisions with their own missions, responsibilities and expertise. Transversal processes bring a complementary dimension by crossing the borders of these entities, so that each one can take ownership of its role in the achievement of Teréga’s global challenges, in the service of its customers. This dual orientation certainly brings complexity, but ensures reality is respected is as close as possible.


These are four dimensions that Teréga is working to certify in a single, harmonised management system. Reconciling Quality, Environment, Energy, Health and Safety objectives and requirements within the same operating logic is an ambitious challenge for a company of our size, but all the more essential to ensure consistency.


The requirement of a permanent search for efficiency and performance enshrined in ISO systems sets an uncompromising target. We strive to meet this requirement through the efficiency of our activities, by putting into practice the principles of Lean Management.


Because the expectations of all our stakeholders drive us to continually reinvent ourselves, our management system is designed to be agile and responsive.

Maintaining confidence in our expertise through recognised certifications is an even greater challenge in times of transformation. We want to take up this challenge by leading the extension of our certifications at a sustained pace.

Teréga, a certified organisation

ISO 9001 : 2015

ISO 9001 certification guarantees customer orientation and compliance with our requirements for all our gas transport and storage activities. It is in line with the axes of the IMPACTS 2025 business plan, and in particular our internal approach known as “Business Excellence”, which is based on the adoption of best professional practices and the optimisation of all our activities in terms of efficiency and quality of service. This certification includes our customer relationship management and customer portal.

ISO 14001 : 2015

ISO 14001 certification recognises our environmental commitment, implemented through our BE POSITIF programme. This includes our NGV connection offer, the Power to Gas Jupiter 1000 project and the environmental management of all our gas transport and storage sites.

ISO 50001: 2018

As part of our BE POSITIF environmental programme, the ISO 50001 certification specifies our commitments in terms of energy performance. It also covers the IMPULSE 2025 collaborative project aimed at deploying a smart multi-energy system.

ISO 45001 : 2018

ISO 45001 certification attests to our Health and Safety in the Workplace approach expressed through:
- our PARI 2025 programme, whose stated goal is “No accidents, No collisions, No surprises” by 2025,
- our quality of working life projects,
- our involvement in the MASE (Manuel d'Amélioration Sécurité des Entreprises).