Espace pédagogique
Submit a project or contact the endowment fund

Submit a project or contact the endowment fund

If you think your project of common interest fits with the Teréga Accélérateur d’Énergies fields of action, use the form below to submit your request for a grant. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have about the endowment fund and how it works.


Dear project leader, the information you provide here will help us learn more about your project so that we can assess it. We would therefore like to thank you in advance for filling in this document.

First of all, we would like to remind you that any project seeking support from the TEREGA ACCÉLÉRATEUR D'ÉNERGIES Endowment Fund must be led by a recognised common interest organisation, which is thus able to issue a tax receipt (NGO, association, federation etc.).

The project you lead must serve the common interest and come under one of the four pillars of the Endowment Fund, as given in our statutes, namely:

  • Provide economic and/or social support for development initiatives or projects located close to TEREGA Group sites, and providing high levels of added value for those regions. 

  • Actions to protect or develop biodiversity.

  • The development of social inclusion through training activities, particularly through the creation of and/or support for action programmes in education, training, access to the labour market or entrepreneurship.

  • Promotion and sharing of scientific and cultural heritage

A number of criteria (including, but not restricted to, those mentioned below) are looked at in particular and scored using a weighting defined by the Teréga Accélérateur d'Énergies Board of Directors.

Relevance of the project: utility of the proposed action, given its location, needs, target objectives and commitment of resources.

Experience of the organisation: the committee must assess the degree of confidence that can be placed in the organisation and the team running the project.

Innovative nature of the project: is the proposed project any different from the others in the responses it provides?

Number of beneficiaries: is the number of beneficiaries large in relation to the activity?

Initiative / "sponsorship" by a Teréga Group employee who is heavily involved in the beneficiary organisation as an unpaid contributor.

Local integration: are the actions being taken local to the regions in which the TERÉGA Group is based?

Complete the project sheet and organisation presentation sheet.

For your information, and to give you an idea of how long it takes us to respond, please note that our Board of Directors meets on average three or four times a year.

Contact the Endowment Fund at the following email address : contact-fdd@terega.fr.

Application form

Please complete as fully as possible

*champs obligatoires